MONDAY .   September 23rd, 2013.       MATH: Place Value Through Billions p.4, Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers p.6, Place Value Through Thousandths pp.8-9, Comparing and Ordering Decimals p.12,Place Value Patterns pp.14-15, Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers p.36, Multiplication Patterns p.66, Using the Distributive Property p.70, Multiplying Whole Numbers p.72, Division Patterns p.136, Dividing Whole Numbers 152-153.

Practice Workbook pages 1-5, 7, 11, 16,18-20, 33 and 37.


TUESDAY. September 24th, 2013.  READING:  Plot and Character p.18. (Vocabulary p.20) Cause and Effect p.42. (Vocabulary p. 44) Theme and Setting p.68. (Vocabulary p.70) Sequence p.90 (Vocabulary p.92) Practice Book pages, 2-4,12-14,22-24,32-34 plus the Family Times in the blue folder.


WEDNESDAY. September 25th, 2013. SPELLING:   Short Vowel VCCV, VCV pp.1and 4. Long Vowel VCV pp. 5 and 8. Long Vowel Digraphs p. 9. Adding –ed, -ing  pp.13 and16. Contractions p.17 and 20. See dictations in blue folder Family Times pages 2,12,22,32.


HEALTHChapter 1 A Growing and Changing Body. Lesson 1 .Body Transport Systems pp 4-9. Lesson 2. Body Coordination Systems  pp. 10-12. Lesson 3 . Growth, Heredity and the Endocrine System pp.14-16. Lesson 4 Growth Comes in Stages pp.20-22. CHILDREN DO AS COMPLEMENT OF THE TEST A 5-MINUTE POWER POINT PRESENTATION OF A GIVEN TOPIC FROM PAGES 4-34


THURSDAY. September 26th, 2013. WORLD STUDIES: Chapter 1. The World of Geography. Section 1 . The Five Themes of Geography. Key Terms p.10. The Global Grid p.12. Section 2. Th,e Geographer’s Tools: projection p.18. Key p.20.  Chapter 2. Earth’s Physical Geography . Section 1 Our Planet Earth. Key Terms p.28. Day and Night p.29.The Revolution of Earth pp.30-31. Latitudes p.32. CHILDREN DO AS COMPLEMENT OF THE TEST A 5- MINUTE POWER POINT PRESENTATION OF A GIVEN TOPIC FROM PAGES 10-32


FRIDAY. September 27th, 2013.: LANGUAGE:  Four Types of Sentences p.27, Complete and Simple Subjects p.35, Nouns in Subjects p.37, Complete and Simple Predicates p.53, Verbs in Predicates p.55, Common and Proper Nouns p.95,Singular and Plural Nouns p.97, Action Verbs p.123, Linking Verbs p.125, Main and Helping Verbs p.135, Adjectives p.263, Adverbs p.265.

Practice Book pages: 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31,32, 37, 71 and 72.